Knowledge Base
Complete Sign Up
Game URL =>
Desired Username
This is the name that will you will use to login and will be part of your URL for your game server. Only letters and/or numbers are allowed. A number may NOT be the first character.
Must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters. No special characters.
Full Name
Your full name.
Email Address
Discord Name (Optional)
To help us find you on Discord if there is a problem.
Select Region
Select a region close to the majority of your players.
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Select Language
Foundry License Key
You must have a valid foundry license key in order to signup for this hosting service.
Coupon Code:
If you have a discount code enter it here.
Select Package
This is your subscription level. It can be changed later if you pick incorrectly.
How did you find us?
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Enable CDN
CDN can speed up your game play.
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Terms and Service